Oh Be Careful Little Fingers What you Type!
- May 12th, 2015
- Cheryl McGirr
- Comments Off on Oh Be Careful Little Fingers What you Type!
As a child, I attended Sunday School and learned the most beneficial songs! One was (and I am guessing at the name here) “Oh Be Careful”. The verses went something like this:
“Oh be careful little eyes what you see
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above is looking down with love
So be careful little eyes what you see”
The idea that someone is watching you is a powerful incentive to at least try and do the right thing. I was recently reminded that quite often, in our world of email, text and social media, it is very easy to type first and think later about who might actually see what you type. You never know who might read it! An email message is sent and forwarded with the click of a button. With almost the same effort as conversation, our words can take on a life of their own.
What’s the solution? You must assume that whatever you write will become public at some point. Before you hit the send button, read what you wrote and ask yourself, “Am I okay with someone besides the intended recipient reading this?” Because chances are, someone you don’t know about could be watching. And your words might come back to haunt you! Make sure they’re good ones!
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Photo: William Iven