Answers to Common Questions About Hiring a Child Custody Lawyer
- February 13th, 2023
- Cheryl McGirr
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Child custody is a complex and emotionally charged issue for many families in Texas. Hiring a child custody lawyer can help ensure that your rights and the best interests of your children are protected. This article will answer some of…

What Are the Benefits and Risks of Utilizing Social Media During a Divorce?
- February 10th, 2023
- Cheryl McGirr
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Social media has drastically changed the landscape of divorce proceedings… It can now be used as evidence of a partner’s cheating, bad behavior, or hidden assets – all of which, of course, can lead to divorce. During the divorce process,…

When is it time to consult a lawyer?
- February 8th, 2023
- Cheryl McGirr
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Legal advice can be necessary for a variety of scenarios. This article outlines some of the most common occasions when individuals should seek out a lawyer’s help. Legal counsel is often advised for certain transactions, such as real estate…

Will parents in Texas be required to pay for private school or college tuition?
- July 9th, 2021
- Cheryl McGirr
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Have you asked yourself, “Will I be required to pay for private school or college tuition?” The Texas basic child support that noncustodial parents are required to pay is generally not enough for the cost of tuition. However, it is possible for the…

Can I get a divorce in Texas without going to trial?
- June 25th, 2021
- Cheryl McGirr
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Can you get a divorce in Texas without going to trial? Most divorce cases are settled without going to trial. The judge will likely order mediation in the case before the parties go to trial. Judges prefer that the parties work out issues on…

The Effective Impact of Adultery on Divorce in Texas Courts
- April 10th, 2021
- Miranda Fields
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Does adultery play a role in Texas divorces? Adultery can impact how the court decides the financial issues in a Texas divorce, both alimony and community property division. First, if you suspect or have committed adultery during the marriage,…

Avoid the Risk and Know What Specific Information and Documentation You Should Have in Preparation for Your Divorce.
- March 26th, 2021
- Cheryl McGirr
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What documentation and information do I need in preparation for divorce? If you currently going through, or are thinking of, a divorce, it will be helpful to develop an inventory of the property you and your spouse own. Anticipate that…

What is the smartest process you can take to legally change your name after a divorce?
- March 19th, 2021
- Miranda Fields
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Divorce – Name change requirements What is required to change my name after divorce? Women often change their name, or more accurately their surname, when they marry. If you have changed your surname and later divorce, you are not required…

What is Service of Process, what if you fear your spouse does not want to be served and what can you do about it!
- March 12th, 2021
- Miranda Fields
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What is Service of Process? After retaining an attorney and filing a petition for divorce, the next step is to notify the non-filing spouse of the petition for divorce formally. Service of process is the legal process for notifying the non-filing spouse…

Have you ever considered, who acquires the pets in the divorce?
- March 5th, 2021
- Miranda Fields
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Family Law – Divorce and Pets In a divorce, who gets the pets? Pets are increasingly considered members of the family. However, under Texas law, pets are considered property, and Texas courts will not issue formal custody or visitation with a pet. Pet ownership is determined differently from…